Where it all started....

Well, it started many years ago at a company called RPS. The company name changed and so did mine in 2001. From there, the road led us to the ATL and our own business. I left the road to have babies, but it sure is hard to take the trucker out of a Momma!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sad but Proud

I used to be an "on the fast track" manager.  I left the job because I didn't want to take another promotion and face all the number pressure from being a Senior Manager.  (My husband would have also had to find a different line of work, so that had some impact as well.)  I left and went to work for my husband as a driver.  Kind of a blow to my ego, but we knew we wanted to grow his business and put ourselves in a position to start a family.  It took a while and 4 routes run by me before our plan finally came to be:  A BABY!  We had planned to have me come off the road and stay home for a couple of years.  I was good with that, since we had no family around.  Baby #2 came VERY shortly after #1.  Life continues and they are growing and I love them to death!  The girl and the boy are my world!

Last at dinner, we were talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up.  The boy wants to drive a fire truck (not a FedEx truck....humph!).  The girl said, "I want to be just like Momma and just drive around and go to the store and play."  That is where I got SAD!  Is that really what my kids think I do?  I guess I should be PROUD that she wants to be like her Mother, but really?  I do way more than drive around, shop, and play.  I guess in the eyes of a 4 yr old, that is big stuff.  To me, it was kind of a low blow!

So, what do I have planned for tomorrow?  I guess I will drive to the store to shop (get my huge list for making Valentine dinner for my family and groceries for the rest of the week), and then drive to the courthouse (to finalize a variance application), and then drive home to play (unload all the shit from the store, put it away, make lunch, clean-up breakfast and lunch, make sure no kids kill each other, put kids down for naps/quiet time, work on taxes for the business, run the fur picker-upper, make dinner, serve dinner, clean-up dinner, get a load of wash in, play, bath 2 kids, say Goodnights and then CRASH)!  Yep....drive, shop, play!

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