Where it all started....

Well, it started many years ago at a company called RPS. The company name changed and so did mine in 2001. From there, the road led us to the ATL and our own business. I left the road to have babies, but it sure is hard to take the trucker out of a Momma!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Week in Review

Well.....things always seems interesting around here!

We had a driver fall into a swimming pool on his way back to the truck. YES, that is right, he tripped and fell into a swimming pool in his uniform with his scanner in hand. Lost his glasses in the fall and then couldn't see to find them. Scanner is now slowly dying.....

We had our first no call no show on Friday. HR for Brown Dog better step up and write this stuff up. Oh wait....that's me!

The boy had his 2 assessments for his lack of walking and talking. He will be getting some physical therapy followed by a speech assessment. He has been W-sitting for so long it is just habit (never knew it was bad for him and there wasn't anything in the handbook that came with him at purchase to tell us any different). This has lead to weak inner thigh muscles and him supporting himself on the insides of his feet when he does stand. That does not make for a good base upon which to balance, so some shoe inserts will also be added in to help him along. I am a little upset about it. No on ever wants anything to be wrong with their kids and it just hurts me to think he is delayed in any way. He did test off the charts in some areas, so they say he is pretty smart, he has just hit a developmental glitch that has slowed his progress. I am sure that before long I will be sorry that is walking!!

The girl is driving me CRAZY with her favorite phrase: "Whatch ya doin' Momma." (She says it just like she is straight out of Brooklyn, NY!) I have no idea where it came from, but I guess it is her form of the usual kid's "Why?". Sometimes it is, "Whatch ya talkin' bout Momma." Anyway.....those phrases 100 times a day over and over and I need to do a couple shots before I have a glass of wine!

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